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A Bit About Us
The Belen MainStreet Partnership is a community within a community
If you have a look at our district boundaries, you can see the area incorporated by the Main Street project has distinctive public spaces, businesses, homes, churches and schools. Everyone living, working, recreating and driving through the district and attending schools and church services is an integral part of the MainStreet project.
Because of its official designation by the State of New Mexico and the National MainStreet Center as a certified MainStreet Community, those distinctive characteristics of Belen’s MainStreet district are recognized as being special and unique.
Belen’s residents and workforce take great pride in that recognition. That pride is the driving force that energizes us to work together to realize the mission of the Belen MainStreet Partnership.
Achieving that mission is possible only through the voluntary work of the MainStreet community itself, supported by the city’s broader community and by appropriate regional and state business and governmental organizations.
Board of Directors
Jay E. Peters, President, Smokal Dispensary
Tom Greer, Vice President, Hub City Brewery
Eloisa Tabet, Treasurer, Tabet Building
Maggie Fitzgerald, Secretary, Community Member
Jim Rende, Architect Emeritus
Kathleen Pickering, City of Belen Arts and Cultural District
Frank Ortega, City Councilor for the City of Belen
Rhona Baca-Espinoza
Executive Director
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